There are two primary ways to get a piercing: a needle and an Ear piercing gun. Piercing gun vs. needle – each has its pros and cons, and your preferences will likely tip the scales for any of these options.

You can either go for a needle or a piercing gun in varied body piercing situations. However, for some people, a gun can be an impractical option. The best is to know all the advantages and disadvantages of both methods to make a wise decision when you get to the piercing salon.

Ear piercing gun

Benefits and Drawbacks of Ear Piercing Guns


  • Convenient: It is convenient to opt for ear piercing at a salon using an Ear piercing gun.
  • Accessible: Nowadays, the majority of salons use guns for piercings. Therefore, find a place using Ear piercing guns than a place that uses piercing needles.
  • Affordable: Qualified piercers using needles for piercings often charge more than you need to pay for a piercing at a booth or mall. Gun piercings cost less because there is less training and skill required to use a piercing gun.
  • Speed: Gun piercing is superfast. One pull of the trigger, and the job is complete.


  • Inaccurate: It is difficult to see where the needle penetrates the skin with piercing guns. Also, since the pin is covered, it can impact the overall appearance of the piercing, which can be uneven or off-center.
  • Slower Healing: Piercing guns cause blunt pressure trauma since their pins go instantly through the flesh. This kind of trauma can impact the healing procedure and can also cause damage to the tissues and cartilage in the ears. It works to know Ear piercing gun vs. needle damage before opting for one.
  • Limited Usage: Ear Piercing guns are effective for ear piercings only, primarily the earlobes, because only a small amount of soft tissue can fit between the two parts of the gun. You must understand the difference between the piercing options to choose a Ear piercing gun vs. a needle for a lobe.

These benefits and drawbacks of a piercing gun can help you choose an ear-piercing gun vs. needle.

Ear piercing gun

Benefits and Drawbacks of Needle


  • Just a Single Use: Piercing needles are used once and for all, which means there are no risks of infection.
  • Cleanliness: It is easy to clean piercing needles thoroughly in autoclaves using high-pressure steam that sterilize the entire instrument.
  • Proper Training: Body piercers use an Ear piercing gun vs needle diagram to understand the work procedure of both piercing methods. However, it is easier for them to grasp the technique of needle piercings since it has nothing to do with advanced technology.


  • Clamp Discomfort: The clamp used to ensure the skin remains in place during the piercing can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.
  • Nervousness: People nervous or scared around needles should go for Ear piercing guns.
  • Longer Process: It can take longer to mark out the cartilage piercing area; clamp the skin and put the needle across. It is much faster to use a piercing gun.


Going for a needle is much safer in almost all situations than opting for an Ear piercing gun, and needles are also less painful than piercing guns. While it is common to find piercing guns in salons with no serious health problems, needles are still seen as a less painful and safer option for all kinds of piercings.